We proudly participated in the 26th İntermob Fair.
As one of Europe’s top three largest fairs and the most comprehensivespecialized trade fair in Eurasia, İntermob once again provided a platform for future-inspireddesigns and new business connections.
At our booth, we showcased Genç brand’s UV, water-based, tinting, acrylic, polyurethane, metallic systems, and specialty products, Woodsol brand’s water-based exterior woodcoatings and varnishes, and our industrial adhesive product range, featuring KayaColl, KayaTherm, KayaPur, KayaPren, KayaSit, KayaSil, and KayaFlex. Products developedwith advanced technologies at our R&D Center attracted great interest from visitors, contributing to a highly productive fair experience. We observed a continued rise in demandfor water-based and sustainable eco-friendly products, reinforcing our commitment toinnovation.
We were pleased to engage with leading manufacturers from our industry and to host hundreds of visitors, customers, and distributors from both domestic and internationalmarkets at our booth. As an export-driven company, fairs like İntermob play a crucial role in connecting with potential international customers, while also promoting our industryand country on a global scale. Expanding the presence of the Turkish paint sector in international markets open doors to new collaborations and business opportunities.
We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the organization andvisited our booth.
At Kayalar Kimya, we believe that innovation is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. For 48 years, we have combined our expertise, cutting-edge technology, and high productioncapacity to offer reliable, high-quality solutions to our customers. Our goal is to expandour product range, deliver excellence worldwide, and add value to our country. In linewith this vision, we will continue to showcase new projects and products at both nationaland international trade fairs.