with the Kayalar Kimya team?

Kayalar Kimya is committed to utilizing its human resources most efficiently, aligning with its goals and principles. While aiming to place the right candidate in the right position, we support our employees’ personal and professional development through a continuous improvement approach.
To join the Kayalar Kimya team,
you can fill out the application form or
send your resume to insankaynaklari@kayalarkimya.com.tr.
Our company accepts interns in two periods: summer interns (university students) and winter interns (high school students).
For high school internships, in accordance with Law No. 3308, interns are accepted based on the quota determined at the beginning of the year, targeting vocational skills. Applicants are informed about their applications. Applications can be submitted via email to insankaynaklari@kayalarkimya.com.tr.
University internships are accepted by us until the end of April. Applicants are informed about the process. Accepted university interns are assigned to the relevant departments during the June-July-August period at suitable intervals. Applications can be submitted to the company either in person or via email to insankaynaklari@kayalarkimya.com.tr until the end of April.